No more pens and paper needed! All tasks in the warehouse or production can now be done with the new EzCollector program!
Possible actions:
Receipt, Collection, Verification, Inventory (Long-term assets, balances, actual), Selection, Transfer, Return, Issue, Sorting, Sale.
Possible work modes:
Collect-as-I-go and e-document.
Now available on the Android operating system too!
Possible data exchange file types:
File types for data exchange: txt, csv, xls, xml, or other formats that are convenient for you. It's possible to connect to your program's database or allow access to EzCollector's database tables.
You'll only need to choose the most convenient Android mobile computer. Screen size doesn't matter, and you can adjust the font size of the required information yourself!
In the program, select the language and user to whom the system administrator assigns action rights in advance. Each user performing different actions can view information tailored to them (e.g. In a sale, the store manager will see the sale price, cost, and supplier, while the salesperson will only see the sale price. For the warehouse keeper, knowing where the product is located is important, so they will be shown location information instead of prices).
According to the nature of your work, you can input document numbers, supplier or buyer details, dates, products identified by code or barcode, prices, serial numbers, batches, expiration dates, quantities, storage locations, and more. Recorded entries can be edited, supplemented, or cancelled. When selecting products, you will always see the accumulated quantity or value.
In the e-document mode, you can scan and verify selected products, ensuring accurate quantities. E-documents can be imported from an online store, ERP system, or any accounting software. Don't have those? No problem – Excel files will do!
You can send the gathered information to the controlling computer via WiFi or 4G connection, where you will have detailed insights into who, when, where, with whom, and what was done. Data exchange can occur in txt, csv, xls, xml, or any other formats convenient for you.